The report on monitoring the activity of prosumers for the year 2021, found on the ANRE website, reveals interesting data on the evolution of the number of prosumers, an image that can also offer a perspective on the future of this field.
At the end of 2021, 13,600 prosumers were operating in Romania, with an installed capacity of 85 MW.
The increase in energy prices combined with the entire economic, political and geostrategic context offers us only one alternative: investments in renewable energies. Further, it depends only on our ability, of Romania, to set our capacity and the right speed to reach our necessary targets.
The ANRE report points to the latest European benchmarks in the field. In July 2021, the European Commission adopted the "Fit for 55" package, representing the package of policies aimed at putting the European bloc on the path to climate neutrality, which announces a new objective of the European Union to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% greenhouse (GHG) until 2030.
Fit for 55 is part of the European Green Deal, which aims to put the EU firmly on the path to climate neutrality by 2050, as set out in European climate law. One element of "Fit for 55" is the revision of the RED II Directive, to help the EU reach the new 55% GHG target. In the context of the European Green Deal, the revised RED II Directive strengthens these provisions and sets a new European Union target of a minimum 40% share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption by 2030, together with new sectoral targets.
In the context of promoting the use of energy from renewable sources, small-scale electricity production facilities from renewable energy sources can be an important element that can contribute to the achievement of the mandatory objective regarding the share of energy from renewable energy sources established by the National Integrated Plan in the field of Energy and Climate Change 2021-2030, which foresees a share of energy from renewable energy sources in Romania's final gross energy consumption of 30.7% for the year 2030.
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